Polarity Therapy was developed by Randolph Stone, DO, DC, ND (1890-1981). During his 60-year career medical practice in Chicago, he searched for an understanding of the deeper causes of health and disease. His quest led to the conclusion that “Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and forms.” He developed a synthesis of theories and techniques from ancient and modern sources, including Ayurveda, Oriental Medicine and Osteopathy, collecting energy-based knowledge from around the world.
The word “Polarity” refers to an ancient understanding of the dynamics of energetic relationships, known as Yin & Yang in the Orient. Polarity Therapy describes how energy currents and electromagnetic fields create and sustain all physical form. The goal of Polarity Therapy is to facilitate and support the free and natural flow of Life Force and consciousness through the body, mind, and emotions.
Polarity Therapy addresses three layers of the energy anatomy, known as “Primary Energy,” “Three Principles” and “Five Elements.” Primary Energy refers to the energetic dimensions of the centerline of the body, including the cranium, spine and sacrum. Three Principles refers to cycles of energetic expansion, transition and contraction throughout the body. Five Elements refers to functional energy centers called chakras, located at the throat, chest, solar plexus, abdomen and pelvic floor. Polarity Therapy practitioners palpate and support natural energy equilibrium and movement on all three of these layers.
The word “Polarity” refers to an ancient understanding of the dynamics of energetic relationships, known as Yin & Yang in the Orient. Polarity Therapy describes how energy currents and electromagnetic fields create and sustain all physical form. The goal of Polarity Therapy is to facilitate and support the free and natural flow of Life Force and consciousness through the body, mind, and emotions.
Polarity Therapy addresses three layers of the energy anatomy, known as “Primary Energy,” “Three Principles” and “Five Elements.” Primary Energy refers to the energetic dimensions of the centerline of the body, including the cranium, spine and sacrum. Three Principles refers to cycles of energetic expansion, transition and contraction throughout the body. Five Elements refers to functional energy centers called chakras, located at the throat, chest, solar plexus, abdomen and pelvic floor. Polarity Therapy practitioners palpate and support natural energy equilibrium and movement on all three of these layers.